I love holding space for natural personal growth.

Through Svastha Yoga, Coaching, Energy and Sound Healing I assist people in reconnecting with how magnificent they truly are.

What’s important to me

As Svastha Yoga teacher I focus on basics for a healthy and sustainable yogapractice

I create a safe space for my clients’ journey to balance.

I support people in their natural personal growth, no dogmas.

To me, supporting growth does not mean there is something we need to fix or optimize. I rather mean it as unfolding of the authentic self and full potential that is already there.

My own personal growth is important to me and I’m immensly grateful for my journey of the past 20 years.

My online Courses

The Art of Holding Space

I've been working on holding save and nurturing space for many many years and learned from various viewpoints, such as Yoga, Psychology and Shamanism.

I created an online Course for Yoga Teachers (YACE) and people working with people.